
How To Upload Logo To Google My Business

3 ways to add a logo to a signature in Gmail

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Author photo: Copper Staff

Copper Staff

Contributors from members of the Copper team

When y'all're trying to grow your concern, you need to create a memorable make.

And one simple, yet overlooked way to practice that is by adding one pocket-size thing to your Gmail signatures,-your visitor logo.

Recollect well-nigh it, you likely send dozens of emails every mean solar day to prospects, customers and other contacts. Why non capitalize on the opportunity past using a logo in your Gmail signature?

In this commodity, we'll look at how to add a signature that includes your business' logo in Gmail.

Whether yous're working with a team in Google Workspace or solo with Gmail, yous have a few options for doing this:

  1. The fastest and simplest manual method in Gmail
  2. A more than complex manual method that gives you lot more than creative pattern freedom
  3. Free tools that let you create an HTML signature

Let'southward jump in.

Method 1: Fast and simple (aka. the transmission method)

This method is the easiest, but your options are limited when it comes to pattern and layout.

1. Go to Gmail settings in your Gmail account

At the top correct of your Gmail inbox, y'all'll come across a pocket-size gear icon. Click it and select "Settings" from the dropdown that appears:

2. "Turn on" your signature

Y'all'll automatically be taken to the "General" tab of Gmail'due south Settings. Whorl downwardly the page until you find the "Signature" department.

There are 2 radio buttons in the signature box: one that says "No signature" (which is the signature default), and one that's next to a pocket-sized text editor. Be certain to select this second push button, as that'southward what turns on your signature:

iii. Type in your signature'south text

At present information technology's time to type in your signature details, like your:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Phone number
  • Visitor website
  • Social media links

Pro-tip: While your professional signature is a not bad identify to add cool and helpful resources, be conscientious not to go overboard. Too many elements in your signature can be distracting and confusing. We recommend no more than than five links, including social media profiles. Add social media icons with image links for a professional Gmail signature look.

Utilise the text editor to make it stand out. In the example below, we inverse the font, bolded certain words, and added a pop of color:

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five. Add your logo to your Gmail signature

In the text editor menu, select the "Insert Epitome" icon:

Y'all can select an prototype from your Google Drive, upload a file from your computer, or blazon the URL of your logo. Nosotros recommend uploading a physical file versus using a URL, but in case y'all come across any hosting result or changes in that URL in the future:

Pro-tip: If you don't already accept a logo, there are plenty of peachy tools that tin can aid you create one without hiring a graphic designer. Bank check out tools like Canva, Wix, and Designhill . You tin likewise find affordable designers on sites like Fiverr and Upwork.

Once y'all add the file, drag it to where you'd like it to announced. To change the prototype'due south size, click on it and choose Modest, Medium, Large, or Original size:

Our House Stark logo was quite big, so we selected "pocket-size" to make it more proportionate to the signature text:

Unfortunately, this method doesn't allow you use "text wrap" functionality to place your logo beside your text, then your options are to either place information technology above or below your text.

Stay tuned for the side by side two methods, because we'll address how to brand your logo signature even snazzier.

6. Make links clickable

Apply the "Link" option in the text editor carte to make sure all of your links are clickable, like your website and social media profiles:

seven. Save changes

Scroll downwards to the lesser of the page and click "Salvage changes."

And voilà. You're ready to send some emails.

Here's what the final product will wait like:

And if y'all're using a CRM that's integrated with Gmail (like Copper), in that location'southward typically i last step.

eight. Use your new signature in your CRM

Permit's apply Copper as an instance. If you send emails through your CRM, make certain that you modify your settings to include your shiny new signature.

To practice this, get to "Settings" in the bottom left of the Copper dashboard menu. Get to "Personal Preferences" and select "E-mail Settings & Templates."

So, select the checkbox that says "Use Gmail signature:"

Side by side, permit'south go over the second method.

Method two: more artistic liberty (manual)

Say that you want to place your logo next to your text instead of higher up or below it. This adjacent method will help you do just that.

In this example, we're going to create a ii-cavalcade tabular array within Google Docs or Microsoft word, so paste it into the Gmail signature editor.

1. Create your signature in Google Docs or Microsoft Word

In your document, create a 2-column table by selecting "Insert" then "Table." Select a 2x1 table. This procedure is the aforementioned in Google Docs and Microsoft Word:

Insert your logo into the left column and your desired text into the right column. Then, adjust the width of both columns so that they're merely wider than the content of each column:

Next, make the lines of the table white so they don't show up in your signature.

To do this, highlight the whole tabular array with your cursor. Then click the "More" icon that looks like three small dots. It'southward located at the far right of the text editor menu bar.

In the dropdown, select the "Edge color" icon. Then select the color white:

It should look like this:

ii. Paste information technology into the signature editor

Next, copy the entire table and paste it directly into your Gmail signature editor:

Click "Save changes" like nosotros did in the previous method, and y'all're prepare to roll.

Here's what the terminal signature will await similar to recipients:

Method 3: Customized signature (tool)

There are several email signature tools that let you design a fully customized signature. Websites like htmlsig , Newoldstamp , and WiseStamp are simply a few that tin assist yous on your fashion.

These sites typically offering simpler designs for free, with the option to add special features or enhanced customizations for a fee.

As an example, let'due south utilise htmlsig to create a free, bones signature.

But fill out your basic details and information technology'll plug them into an already-built template:

Once y'all end, but copy and paste the entire signature into your signature editor and relieve the changes, just like we did in the second method.

Here'due south a look at the terminal product:

How will you add a Gmail signature with a logo?

It'due south challenging plenty to grab your prospect's attending with a cold electronic mail. Why make it harder by frustrating them with a dull and bland signature?

Think of your e-mail signature equally your business concern carte du jour. Use it to share your company's vision, identity and branding.

Having a logo in your e-mail signature volition make your business organisation more recognizable among your clients, prospects, and partners. Not only that, if you lot have a sales team, every rep who uses an email signature will reinforce your business' identity, getting y'all more brand recognition-and more new customers.

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